Snowboard Instructor Courses


You can split the earth’s population into two categories; people that love snowboarding more than life itself and people that have never tried snowboarding. There is no middle ground, there’s not a language in the world that has words that cater for a response to someone who claims to have tried snowboarding and who thinks it is ... meh! Snowboarding is more than a sport, it is a life choice; people give up careers to be able to live in the mountains and to shred the hill every day. When was the last time you heard of someone doing that to play cricket or ... badminton?

So if you think about it, you may as well do a snowboard instructor course. If you are going to be on your board every day, you should probably get a job as a snowboard instructor and get paid for the pleasure! What could be better than living on a snowy mountain, breathing the freshest air, hanging out with your buddies and spending your days teaching people to snowboard, passing on the love that you have built up over years?!

Since 2003, SnowSkool has been running snowboard instructor courses in Banff & Big White in Canada, Three Valleys in France & Cardrona in New Zealand and we have set more than 1200 people on the path to becoming a snowboard instructor.

Reckon there are many that have regretted this life choice?!!

Snowboard Courses

Snowboard Instructor Courses

Long Courses

Snowboard Instructor Course in Banff, Canada
    • Duration
      13 weeks
    • Start Date
    • End Date
    • Flights included
  • Price
    £9650 £9450
  • Deposit
Course Details
Snowboard Instructor Courses in Canada – Big White
    • Duration
      11 weeks
    • Start Date
    • End Date
    • Flights included
  • Price
  • Deposit
Course Details
BASI Snowboard Instructor Courses in France
    • Duration
      11 weeks
    • Start Date
    • End Date
    • Flights included
  • Price
    £10250 £9,950
  • Deposit
Course Details
Become a Snowboard Instructor in NZ
    • Duration
      11 weeks
    • Start Date
    • End Date
    • Flights included
  • Price
  • Deposit
Course Details

Short Courses

Level 1 Snowboard Training in Canada
    • Duration
      5 weeks
    • Start Date
    • End Date
    • Flights included
  • Price
  • Deposit
Course Details
BASI Snowboard Instructor Training in France
    • Duration
      10 days
    • Start Date
    • End Date
    • Flights included
  • Price
  • Deposit
Course Details

Some people attach snowboards to their feet, very few attach them to their souls.

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