Snowboard Instructor Course in New Zealand

Snowboard instructing in NZ: Cooler than the other side of the pillow

Certain words go pretty well together…”double” and “cheeseburger”, “Swedish” and “au pair”…and our favourites: ”snowboarding” and “New Zealand”. They’re both pretty cool and chilled and laid-back. They’re both pretty secure about who they are and what they are and are none too bothered about what other people think of them. We’re probably thinking that working as a snowboard instructor in New Zealand is about as good as a job can get! And especially in the uber-cool town of Wanaka on New Zealand’s south island.

Join a snowboard instructor course in Wanaka with SnowSkool and you are unlikely to appreciate the value of time as acutely ever again! Eleven weeks of blissful existence but, of course, eleven weeks has to come to an end and unfortunately the SnowSkool course will finish - but you will leave with memories that will last a lifetime, views that will be etched on your mind and a whole bunch of new friends (on- AND off-line!). Oh and hopefully a SBINZ Level 2 snowboard qualification too!

Our Snowboard Instructor Courses in New Zealand

  • - Spend the winter in Wanaka – a place on everyone’s bucket list!
  • - Become a SBINZ Level 2 Snowboard Instructor
  • - Train at Cardrona – with four freestyle parks!
  • - 11 week specialist snowboard programme with top-notch trainers
  • - Spend July ‘til September training and start work in December

Who chooses this course?

Age profile

Average Age
  • 17-20
  • 21-24
  • 25-35+

Recommended minimum experience

  • 2 weeks
  • 4 weeks
  • 6 weeks
  • 8 weeks

Gender profile

  • Male
  • Female


Rest of the World

Course Dates

    • Duration
      11 weeks
    • Start Date
    • End Date
    • Flights included
  • Price
  • Deposit
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Feedback from past students of the SnowSkool NZ course tells us that snowboarders love the freestyle features at Cardrona. And it’s no surprise, the freestyle parks – all four of them including The Big Bucks Park, the biggest one in the southern hemisphere – are amongst the best in the world and attract international competition in the form of the Burton Open! With tables stretching 85ft to the downward, an Olympic superpipe and all manner of jib features, progression is the name of the game! Less-specifically, Cardies is a great hill at which to host a snowboard instructor course too with plenty of mellow terrain for practicing technique & drills and a whole bunch of terrain to shred; Tulips, Arcadia Chutes and Captain’s Basin will keep you on your toes (metaphorically, not literally!)


The recently refurbished and modernised Brownston is where you will call home for 11-weeks. It has a fantastic location right at the centre of Wanaka … just a hop and a skip from all the amenities & nightlife in the town centre, close to the lakefront, Cinema Paradiso and the supermarket. It's a super-relaxed and friendly place to spend the New Zealand winter.

  • Free WiFi
  • Well equipped communal kitchen
  • TV lounge
  • Chill-out areas
  • Laundry facilities
  • Pool table and games
  • Drying room for winter ski gear

Standard rooms are three-share
There is the option to upgrade to a two-person room with en-suite
Evening meals are provided 4-days per week


On the snowboard instructor course in New Zealand, tuition is provided by snowboard instructors from the Cardrona ITC – Instructor Training Centre. This is more than just a step on from the Snowboard School, these guys & gals are hand-picked out of regular punter lessons and dropped into instructor training for future snowboard pros. It’s like a who’s who of NZ snowboard instructing – 50% of all SBINZ Trainers in New Zealand and 50% of the SBINZ Interski demo team are based at Cardrona. That is an incredible statistic and means that the 20-some other resorts in New Zealand have to share the other 50%!  


SBINZ snowboard instructor qualifications – Snowboard Instructors of New Zealand. Level 1 and Level 2 exams are scheduled into the eleven-week course, giving you the chance to finish the course with qualifications that are not only internationally-recognised but also internationally-respected - it is a tough qualification to get and Snowboard School recruiters know this.

What’s Included?

4 days per week
Hill Transfers
Training & Exam Days
Lift Pass
Cardrona & Treble Cone
Level 1 Tuition
4 days per week
Level 1 Exam Fee
Level 2 Tuition
4 days per week
Membership Fees
Instructor Shadowing
Regular Individual Feedback
Video Analysis
SnowSkool Recruitment Service

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