It may seem like a pipedream to work in New Zealand: a wondrous place full of adventure, culture and life-changing experiences. But many people have graduated from a SnowSkool ski/snowboard instructors course, seized the day, and made working as a ski or snowboard instructor in NZ a reality. Clark Doran is one such ex-SnowSkooler who we sat down with in an interview in which he expalined what life is like working as a ski instructor in New Zealand

Still, if you’ve got this dream of moving to New Zealand then it can be overwhelming to work out how to make it happen. It’s easier to figure out and achieve if you break it down into steps. That’s where we come in…

Here is our guide on how to become an instructor in New Zealand, in 5 simple-steps!

  • 1. Gain an internationally-recognised ski instructor qualification
  • 2. Obtain a working holiday visa for New Zealand
  • 3. Apply for jobs in as many New Zealand resorts as possible
  • 4. Phone interview + practical interview (be prepared to travel)
  • 5. If successful, receive and accept a job offer!

1. Complete a ski instructor course for an internationally-recognised ski instructor qualification

This is an obvious one, you need to gain an internationally recognised qualification that will allow you to work in New Zealand. Which qualification to get is not something to worry about, as most widely recognised Level 2 qualifications will allow you to work around the world with relative ease. With SnowSkool you have multiple ski instructor course choices. You also have 3 different qualification options to choose from; CSIA, BASI and NZSIA.

You can gain your CSIA Level 2 in Big White or Banff in Canada. Your BASI Level 2 in The Three Valleys France - or your NZSIA Level 2 in Cardrona New Zealand. All of these qualifications will be recognised in New Zealand and will help you find work there.

2. Obtain a working holiday visa for New Zealand

Now that you are qualified, before you start applying for jobs you need to get your working holiday visa approved. Many resorts will not fully consider your application unless you have a working holiday visa first, which allows employers to offer you a job if successful in the interview stages.

You can check your visa eligibility and apply here

3. Apply for jobs in as many New Zealand resorts as possible

Now, apply for jobs. However, don’t be too picky. Apply widely so you’ve got the best chance of getting an interview. Every resort in New Zealand that you can be applied for should be applied for - and you can always move to your preferred area when you have more experience.

And while you are applying for NZ, apply for other countries as well, New Zealand is a very desirable place to work but it’s always good to have a backup plan if your visa is denied or your applications are unsuccessful. If you gain experience elsewhere you’ll stand a better chance next time when you come back to NZ with a better CV!

4. Phone interview + practical interview (be prepared to travel)

If your initial application is successful, you will then be onto the next step: an interview! Many resorts will start with a phone interview but then ask you to attend an interview day. This day will involve an interview on and off-snow, assessing your teaching ability among other candidates. While traveling all the way to NZ for an interview may not sound appealing to some, particularly with no guarantee of a job, it can be the difference between obtaining a job and not. How bad do you want to work in New Zealand?

5. If successful, receive and accept a job offer!

Hopefully if all steps have been followed, this is where you’ll receive an offer and (if you accept) it’s time to say CONGRATULATIONS, job in the bag, well done!

This is the end result we want and hope for. And if you put the effort in through your instructor training, visa applications, resort and ski school research and interviews, you can make it.

So, if working as a ski instructor in New Zealand is on the top of your list then a SnowSkool Instructor course is the first step to make it happen.

Here are our ski and snowboard instructor courses for 2018:

>11-Week Ski Instructor Course in New Zealand 

>11-Week Snowboard Instructor Course in New Zealand

And if you want to know why you should do an instructor course in New Zealand, or what life is actually like in New Zealand as an instructor, look no further than these posts...

>Why Become a Ski Instructor in New Zealand

>Life as a Ski Instructor in New Zealand 

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